Background to the Local Sports Partnership Initiative
Sport Ireland (then Irish Sports Council) in its first strategy, A New Era for Sport 2000-2002, proposed the establishment of a nationwide network of Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) that would promote participation in sport at a local level.
Background to Waterford Sports Partnership
Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002, as one of the first twelve LSPs under this initiative, with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in Waterford. We are now part of a network of 29 LSPs in Ireland.
Our Board of Directors and Staff
WSP is a company limited by guarantee which is governed by a Board of Directors from local agencies and community organisations. The WSP Board is responsible for the strategic direction of the organisation and for monitoring and reviewing the delivery of our Strategy.
The WSP Team is employed to carry out the work of WSP and to work with our many partners to support and develop opportunities to participate in sport and physical activity in Waterford.
The context in which we work
WSP operates with the support, investment and leadership of Sport Ireland who we support to realise their sports participation objectives locally. We are also guided by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport’s National Sports Policy 2018-2027, the National Physical Activity Plan for Ireland and the Healthy Ireland Framework. At local level, WSP was identified as a key partner in realising the recreational and sports objectives of the Waterford County Development Plan 2011-2017 and in building a ‘Stronger, safer, healthier Waterford’ in the ‘One Waterford – Local Economic & Community Plan 2015-2020.
What we do….
- We listen to and for the needs of participants, current and potential, and with our partners, provide and promote a wide range of sport and physical activity opportunities and supports,
- We support our partners, the providers of opportunities (sports clubs, schools, communities and commercial operators), so that they can develop and increase their capacity to deliver sustainable participation opportunities,
- We consider the places where sport and physical activity, organised or casual, happen and increase awareness, accessibility and inclusion,
- We work with local and national agencies, networks and funders to increase mutual understanding and target resources and effort to maximise impact,
- We promote a positive culture of enjoyable sport and physical activity experiences.
Who we work with….
We focus our efforts on increasing the participation of those with low participation rates from a number of target groups….
- Young people and youth at risk
- People with a Disability
- Women and teenage girls
- Men
- Older Adults
- Disadvantaged people
- Ethnic Minority groups
while also supporting those who promote participation in sport and physical activity…..
- Volunteers
- Sports coaches and instructors
- Club officials and administrators
- Physical activity leaders
- Community leaders
- Teachers
- Health workers
in many different places…
- Sports Clubs
- Schools
- Communities
- Commercial and public facilities
- The natural environment
Waterford Sports Partnership Strategy 2018-2022
In 2018, we launched our fourth Strategic Plan 2018-2022. This was informed by the review of the 2014-2017 WSP Strategy.
Our Vision
Waterford – Active People, Active Place
Our Mission is that, together, we make Waterford a place that has a positive culture of people playing sport and being active. We want people to enjoy participating and the many benefits it brings to their health, happiness and our community.
Our Goals
Goal 1 – Active People – Many Opportunities, Many Places
To support the provision of a wide range of opportunities for people to participate in sport and physical activity in a variety of places.
Goal 2 – Active Network – Strengthening the Network, Connecting People
To support and strengthen the capacity of the network of people and organisations who facilitate sport and physical activity in Waterford.
Goal 3 – Active Engagement – Clear Messages, Effective Communications
To communicate clear and consistent messages and positively promote sport and physical activity opportunities.
Goal 4 – Active Management – Sufficient Resources, Good Governance
To lead and influence a culture of participation, good governance and competent operations.