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Get Active & Stay Active

Published: February 2, 2023

Woman doing Yoga in the park

Being physically active is one of the most important steps that you can take to improve your health, whatever your age or ability. Some physical activity is better than none, more is better than some, and any amount of physical activity you do results in health benefits.

Exercise Guidelines for adults (aged 18 – 64)
At least 30 minutes a day of moderate intensity activity, five days a week
(or 150 minutes a week).

Exercise Guidelines for older people (aged 65+)
At least 30 minutes a day of moderate intensity activity, five days a week
(or 150 minutes a week).

Focus on aerobic activity, muscle strengthening and balance.
To start, try and aim for 10-minute bouts. Start off small and build up from there.

Moderate intensity activity is: Increased breathing and heart rate, but still able to carry on a conversation. Warm or sweating slightly, comfortable pace.
THE ‘TALK’ TEST will help you to determine if your activity is moderate to vigorous’ level?
THE ‘TALK’ TEST is a scale of effort, 0=no effort and 10=maximum effort.

Moderate activity corresponds to 5-6 on the scale which is generally ‘aerobic exercise’. This generally makes people feel ‘a little bit sweaty’ and more aware of their breathing. If walking at 5-6 it should be easy to carry on a conversation.

Vigorous activity would be 7-8 on this scale – at this level it would be difficult to continue a conversation while undertaking physical activity
scale showing levels of exercise intensity from 0 to 10. 4, 5 ,6 on the scale being Moderate and 7 and 8 being high intensity.


Article Modified: September 24, 2024 11:33 am

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

Sport Ireland

Useful Links

Sport Ireland
Sport Ireland plans, leads and co-ordinates the sustainable development of competitive and recreational sport in Ireland.

LSP Contact Finder
Find contact details for other Local Sports Partnerships.

NGB Contact Finder
Find contact details for National Governing Bodies of Sport.

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Company Info

Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

Federation of Irish Sport Logo

Active Disability Ireland Logo

Contact Details

County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

City Office:
Regional Sports Centre
Cork Road

Website By: Déise Design

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