Sport has always had a vibrant presence in County Waterford and organised sport both competitive and recreational has proven an excellent way to get and keep people actively engaged in physical activity. The demand for high quality education & training workshops and support programmes has further strengthened the positive impact of sport within the community. Waterford Sports Partnership continues to support local sports clubs to raise awareness, promote best practice and increase participation by all.
This programme endeavours to support sports clubs in improving their structures and capacities to ensure best practice in the delivery of sport at community level. The programme focus on education, training, information and supports to develop areas such as club governance, inclusion and coach education.
Our Sports Development Officers are on hand to offer guidance and advice to new clubs on structures, governance, funding and best practice.
Over the past few years where funding allows, WSP has run a small scale grant scheme for Waterford Clubs to cover the costs of volunteer coach training. WSP promotes Funding Opportunities to sports clubs and our Development Officers offer guidance and advice to Sports Clubs and Community Groups on funding applications such as Sports Capital Grants, Go For Life Grants and Waterford City and County Council Grants.
To arrange a meeting please contact:
Waterford City: Liz McEnaney on 087 739 6050 or email
Waterford County: Jordan Kelly on 086 167 5642 or email
Article Modified: September 19, 2024 9:20 am