Garda Vetting now a Legal Requirement for those Working with Children and Vulnerable Persons
The National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 was commenced on 29th April 2016, which makes it a statutory requirement for all people working with children or vulnerable persons to be vetted.
What does this mean?
The National Vetting Bureau Act provides a legislative basis for the mandatory vetting of individuals who wish to undertake certain work or activities, either in a paid or voluntary capacity, relating to children or vulnerable persons. In essence, any person who engages with children or vulnerable persons on a regular, ongoing basis must have received confirmation from their National Governing Body or relevant organisation they are ‘deemed acceptable’ to fill the position from a National Vetting perspective. Under the National Vetting Bureau Act it will be an offence to engage with children or vulnerable persons on a regular, ongoing basis, until the vetting process has been completed.
New Garda Vetting Form and ID Validation Form
Under the new legislation all new applicants will be required to complete a Garda Vetting ID Validation Form that must be submitted along with the New Garda Vetting Form. These forms can be obtained from the relevant National Governing Body of Sport.
What this means for clubs?
Clubs should also look at their current volunteer recruitment policies and procedures to ensure that they are properly managed, enforced and comply with the new legalisation. Club coaches/volunteers should attend Safeguarding training with their NGB or Local Sports Partnership. Clubs should have a properly trained Children’s Officer. Training is available through Waterford Sports Partnership.
It is illegal for an individual to start working with children or vulnerable adults
before successfully completing the Garda Vetting process.
How to get vetted
Most clubs will be affiliated to a National Governing Body e.g. GAA, FAI and clubs should contact their own NGB for support and further information. Clubs whose NGB does not provide a vetting service can apply to be Garda vetted through the Federation of Irish Sport (FIS). The Federation of Irish Sport offers a Garda vetting service for members and other NGBs that are recognised by Sport Ireland. For more information on the Federation’s Garda Vetting service, please contact Sinead Conroy on: T: (01) 625 1155 E:
Article Modified: December 11, 2018 1:08 pm