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West Waterford Rural Hub Needs Analysis

Published: September 28, 2020

WSP has been working with Ian Dempsey from Prescience Business and Management Development to engage with the local communities to conduct a needs analysis for the CLV Hub Area. The needs analysis will assist us in formulating an action plan to make sure that all work undertaken by WSP is sustainable, ensuring physical activity will continue to thrive post dormant accounts funding.

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we were not able to meet with the public face to face , so using a variety of methods from zoom calls and an online survey we were able to capture data from a wide range of people from the Hub communities.

We were delighted that 282 people responded to the survey. This shows great buy- in from the local community , even more impressive is that 100% of people, that started the survey, fully completed it!

Bar Chart showing breakdown of village or townland where people live. Lismore and Cappoquin being the highest.The Need Analysis Report will be made available to the public early in 2021.
Here are a few of the provisional findings . . . .

  • 282 respondents; 100% completion rate – (average 7 minutes, 50 seconds to complete)
  • Strong engagement & interest overall
  • Permanent and rooted in area
  • Some localised differences between settlements
  • Notable gender split -70% female/30% male
  • Economically active and family cohort
  • Healthy and active
  • 50% primarily self exercise
  • 33% member of club/team

Here are some more of the results :-

  • Respondents are active (91% regular/occasional exercise, <1% not exercising)
  • People participate in mostly individual sports (50% self exercise, 18.5% team)
  • 57% said that opportunities, facilities and amenities need improvement – WSP to work with key agencies to develop Opportunities.
  • 70% were not aware of WSP’s plans for Sport and Physical Activity Hub in West Waterford. WSP to work with the public on our communication, promotion and connection with the local areas.
  • Respondents stated that the primary reason for limited activity was the lack of awareness of options. WSP will work with the local sports clubs, groups and communities to improve this.

Did we get enough information from everyone?
WSP will follow up with the local communities in 2021 to continue to ensure we meet the needs of the local population in creating more physical activity opportunities. We are also focusing on liaising with other organisations to discuss the needs of the community. Listed here are the main physical activity opportunities that people wanted. Whilst all of these are not feasible with large scale infrastructure not coming under WSP’s remit, it is important for
us to know what is needed. Ironically, some of the activities listed are actually on offer in the local community, highlighting the need for improved awareness of options.


For further information or if you have any questions in relation to the Rural Sports Hub please contact: Liz McEnaney, Hub Development Officer by email at:

Article Modified: September 19, 2024 9:34 am

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

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Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

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County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

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Cork Road

Website By: Déise Design

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