Waterford Sports Partnership are delighted to have brought together a provisional steering committee to assist us in developing the hub and understanding the needs of the local community. We have representation from the following groups: Waterford Area Partnership, Waterford Leader Partnership, Waterford City and County Council, Cappoquin Community Project, Lismore Community Centre and Villierstown Education and Culture Project. To date, the steering committee have met twice to enable WSP to gain an understanding of what is needed for the three areas of the hub and to discuss relevant ideas. This steering committee will assist WSP in coming up with an action plan and communicating opportunities to the local communities.
For further information or if you have any questions in relation to the Rural Sports Hub
please contact: Peter Jones, Hub Development Officer on 087 785 5940
or email pjones@waterfordsportspartnership.ie
Article Modified: June 30, 2020 10:37 am