Following on from a taster session for the Lismore Men’s Shed and the No Limits Club on Tuesday the 2nd of May, WSP in partnership with the Lismore Heritage Centre are delivering a three week ‘Come and Try Short Mat Bowling’ Programme starting on Friday 26th May from 7-9pm. These sessions will be lead by Michael O’Rourke from the Bowling Club in Tallow. The men and women who attended the taster session at the start of May all thoroughly enjoyed it, most of them had never played before and with clear instructions from Michael everyone got to play a few games before the end of the session. We look forward to seeing how the sessions go in May as some of the participants have already expressed an interest in setting up a club.
FREE Three week Programme Starting Friday 26th May from 7 to 9pm
Article Modified: May 04, 2023 12:28 pm