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Prepare to Coach

Published: October 15, 2018

Prepare to Coach is a series of three workshops  developed by WSP which aim to progressively increase coaches confidence and skills through observing and taking part in coaching sessions. The workshops also cover the four key areas needed for player development; developing core skills off both sides, communication, movement on and off the ball and developing decision makers.

The practical workshops gave coaches the opportunity to receive constructive feedback on their own coaching delivery. Participants also receive a Coaching
Booklet, DVD and planning, observation, evaluation and match day observation templates.

The three workshops in the series are:

This workshop is a mixture of practical and theory. Coaches receive information on effective planning and evaluation skills and have the opportunity to get feedback on their own coaching skills from the course tutors.

This workshop includes activities and games that can be used as part of an effective warm up and cool down. Coaches will also learn the importance of dynamic stretches and how to perform  these correctly.

This workshop covers how coaches can get the most out of a game situation. This session specifically focuses on adapting generic games to develop decision makers. A number of practical games that can be used in any coaching session will be demonstrated.

For more information please contact Peter Jones on 0761 10 2191 or email



Article Modified: December 08, 2018 10:38 am

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

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Company Info

Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

Contact Details

County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

City Office:
Regional Sports Centre
Cork Road

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