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Job Opportunity | Physical Activity for Health Officer

Published: May 8, 2023

Waterford Sports Partnership | Physical Activity for Health Officer

Title: Physical Activity for Health Officer (PAFHO)
Salary: Salary in line with the grade 5 local authority pay scale (from €47,339)
Hours: The PAFHO will work 35 hours a week.  This position will require flexibility around working hours with regards to evening and/or weekend work to accommodate the service needs, for which time off in-lieu can be taken.
Annual Leave: 30 days annual leave
Travel Expenses: Travel expenses will be reimbursed where appropriate.
Location: The post will be based mainly in the Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) offices at the Civic Offices, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford and occasionally in the WSP offices at the Regional Sports Centre, Waterford.  A level of flexibility and remote working will be considered.
Reports to: WSP Sports Co-ordinator
Contract type & Duration: 12-month fixed term contract subject to satisfactory completion of a 6-month probationary period.
Application: Please apply by uploading a COVER LETTER and CV HERE by (EXTENDED CLOSING DATE) of 5pm Monday 29th May 2023.
Interviews: Those shortlisted will be invited to attend for interview on Tuesday 6th June 2023.

The Physical Activity for Health Officer pilot programme is being funded by Sláintecare via Sport Ireland. In total, six Physical Activity for Health Officer pilot programmes will be rolled out in Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) across the country in 2023. Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) has been selected as one of the six counties for this pilot programme.  The Physical Activity for Health Officer will be employed by WSP as a member of the WSP team and will work in collaboration with Sport Ireland and the other pilot LSPs, Slaíntecare, the HSE, the local authority and other key stakeholders to provide opportunities for those with chronic conditions to get active. The programme of work may be revised based on the outcomes from these pilots and the findings from the evaluation of the programme.

The Physical Activity for Health Officer initiative will aim to effectively address physical activity as a risk factor for chronic conditions. Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last one year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. In Ireland, 49% of Irish people over 50 years have at least one long-term health condition. Sixty-five percent of adults over 65 years have two or more long-term health conditions.

Job Purpose
The Physical Activity for Health Officer will seek to create opportunities, with our partners, to engage/re-engage those with a chronic condition in physical activity, especially those who may need additional support before participating in a current WSP programme. The role ensures that those who need more attention and care engaging in or returning to community physical activity will be facilitated within these physical activity programmes and supported in their readiness to participate in mainstream WSP programmes that are on offer locally. The Physical Activity for Health Officer will also work closely with WSP’s Physical Activity for People with Chronic Conditions (PACC) project to ensure the learnings from PACC, its three associated pilot projects and from the Physical Activity for Health Officer Pilot are shared and aligned to maximise positive outcomes for all.


  • Engage with key health service practitioners in Waterford, particularly in the Chronic Disease Hub and Waterford Social Prescribing services and with Healthy Waterford and Sláintecare Healthy communities to start the process of building relationships, assessing needs and strengthening mutual understanding of the needs in the community and opportunities of the role. Later this will include collaborating with healthcare professionals on the delivery and design of programmes appropriate to the targeted individuals.
  • Engage with health service practitioners to increase awareness of physical activity/recreational sport opportunities an individual can be signposted to.
  • Work with health service practitioners on initiatives, such as Chronic Disease Management Programme and Social Prescribing services to facilitate enrolment of relevant individuals in WSP or partner programmes for recreational sport.
  • Liaise with Sport Ireland and the PAFH Officer network to share experiences, knowledge and plans.
  • Engage closely with the PACC project, its three pilot projects and all the stakeholders involved with a view to understanding the process to date, the needs identified, the outcomes of the three pilot projects and the relevant learning in the context of the PAFHO pilots.
  • Assess individuals’ suitability for physical activity using the appropriate health screens and to manage risk and ensure a safe and appropriate environment.
  • Co-ordinate and quality assure the delivery of WSP’s physical activity programmes, designed in collaboration with health professionals for people with chronic conditions or long-term health conditions with a focus on building their skills and confidence to engage with and maintain recreational sport participation independently.
  • Collaborate with healthcare professionals on the delivery and design of programmes appropriate for the individual for the benefit of their future health.
  • Provide timely, standardised data and reporting on activity and outcomes aligned to the National Sports Policy, Local Sports Plans, WSP Strategy and WSP Operational reporting guidelines.
  • Liaise with relevant outside agencies, both local and national (e.g., local leisure facility providers and voluntary organisations) and advocate on behalf of, and in collaboration with individuals to facilitate independent and community-based physical activity, providing guidance or accompaniment to individuals where appropriate.
  • Promote and support individual choice and maximum independence, respecting individuals’ beliefs and providing a safe environment for the individual, ensuring privacy & dignity.
  • Advocate for the Physical Activity for Health programme within the LSP network.
  • Remain up to date on information regarding wider healthy lifestyle behaviours and signpost to other health related community resources where appropriate. Participate in evaluation and audit as required.
  • Exercise good personal time management, punctuality, and professionalism at all times.
  • Participate in regular supervision, appraisal and education as identified.
  • Meet training objectives identified with supervisory persons through the performance management process.
  • Undertake any other relevant and related duties that may be required.

Planning & Programme Management

  • Contribute to and assist with the preparation and implementation of the WSP Strategic Plan.
  • Support and contribute to the preparation of annual operational plans for the delivery of the WSP Strategic Themes.
  • Facilitate annual reviews of the operational plan reporting on the effectiveness and impact.
  • Support the roll out of WSP activities including any of Sport Ireland National Programmes as required and relevant.
  • Implement all WSP monitoring and evaluation processes to understand the effectiveness of all programmes and initiatives.
  • Participate in the design, organisation and implementation of projects/events identified by WSP as key to the strategic development of sport and physical activity throughout the county.
  • Contribute to ensuring that all WSP programmes and courses are operated on a user-friendly professional basis.
  • Encourage and foster opportunities for programme development and new initiatives with Partner agencies.
  • Facilitate and support the development of locally based initiatives and sports clubs as an integral part of the LSP strategy.
  • Initiate and maintain close contact with voluntary and community-based sporting organisations.
  • Encourage a lifestyle of regular physical activity as a key objective of WSP and partner agencies.
  • Conduct research and needs analysis as appropriate.
  • Measure and monitor performance indicators based on the impact WSP courses/programmes are having at local level.

Specific Areas of Responsibility

  • Implementation of key actions as outlined in the team operational plan and the personal development plan.
  • Research, administration, planning, organising and delivery of relevant courses, workshops, and seminars.
  • Reports and regular updates to the Co-ordinator, Programme Manager, Board, and SI as required.
  • Undertake any other relevant and related duties that may be required by WSP.

Marketing & PR

  • Assist with the preparation of an annual Marketing/Communications Plan for WSP.
  • Support and assist preparations for hosting of seminars, workshops, conferences.
  • Collate material for inclusion in annual WSP Newsletter.
  • Provide support and assistance in maintaining up-to-date databases.
  • Encourage all participants on WSP courses/programmes to use the services on offer.
  • Prepare, in consultation with the Co-ordinator, regular press releases on upcoming events and successful achievements.

Finance & Funding

  • Prepare timely and accurate programme budgets and periodic reports.
  • Record accurately, and in accordance with WSP`s financial policies and procedures, all financial transactions relevant to your department
  • Research suitable sources of income to support activities.
  • Ensure a close fit between funding sought and WSP’s Strategic Plan and other organisational priorities.

Health & Safety Management

  • Report to/work with the Co-ordinator in promoting health & safety awareness / best practice amongst all staff.
  • Contribute to ensuring that all facilities the company use are fully in compliance with current health & safety standards.
  • Assist with the investigation of all accidents / incidents.
  • Communicate all results/recommendations arising from investigation of accidents/incidents.


  • Undertake additional duties and tasks as requested by the Co-ordinator or other designated person.
  • Be flexible in approach to work and undertake any other duties that may be required within the remit of WSP.
  • Ensure that all activities undertaken as an officer of WSP are in line with WSP values, codes of practice and relevant legislation.

Waterford Sports Partnership | Physical Activity for Health Officer
The Person – Essential and Desirable Skills, Qualifications and Experience

If interested in applying for the position, please apply by uploading a COVER LETTER and CV HERE by (EXTENDED CLOSING DATE) of 5pm Monday 29th May 2023.

Candidates may be short listed based on information provided in the Cover Letter and CV. Canvassing will disqualify any candidate from the competition process.

Those shortlisted will be invited to attend for interview on Tuesday 6th June 2023.
WSP shall require the person to whom the appointment is offered to take up the appointment as soon as possible.

 Waterford Sports Partnership is an Equal Opportunities Employer

Article Modified: May 22, 2023 1:39 pm

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

Sport Ireland

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Sport Ireland
Sport Ireland plans, leads and co-ordinates the sustainable development of competitive and recreational sport in Ireland.

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Company Info

Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

Federation of Irish Sport Logo

Active Disability Ireland Logo

Contact Details

County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

City Office:
Regional Sports Centre
Cork Road

Website By: Déise Design

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