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CLOSING DATE EXTENDED | Job Opportunity – Active City Officer

Published: July 28, 2021

Waterford Sports Partnership is seeking applications for the role of Active City Officer – Part-time Fixed Term Contract Position

Post and Application Details
Title: Active City Officer
Salary Scale: Salary in line with the grade 5 local authority pay scale (€43,633-€52,401 pro rata)
Hours: This is a part-time position. The ACO will work 24 hours a week. The chosen candidate must be flexible and willing to work occasional evening/weekends to accommodate the service needs if required, for which time off in-lieu can be taken.
Location: The post will be based between both Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) offices ie the Regional Sports Centre, Cork Road, Waterford (mainly) and the Civic Offices, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. This is an office-based role with remote working available where relevant and appropriate.
Reports to: WSP Co-ordinator or their designate
Contract type & Duration: This role is offered on a fixed term contract for 2 years, subject to satisfactory completion of a 6-month probationary period. A third year is dependent on securing funding.
Annual Leave: 21 days annual leave
Travel Expenses: Travelling expenses will be reimbursed where appropriate.

Candidates must demonstrate in their application that they possess all of the essential elements applicable in the person specification. Waterford Sports Partnership will then decide to interview only those applicants who appear from the information available, to be the most suitable, in terms of experience, qualifications and other requirements of the post.

Background to Sport Ireland Active Cities project
The Sport Ireland Active Cities project is funded by Sport Ireland through the Dormant Accounts Fund (DAF). A Sport Ireland Active City will strive to create social norms about the benefits of sport and physical activity, create programmes and opportunities for its citizens regardless of ability or age, work in partnership to increase physical activity and decrease inactivity, and create/maintain environments where sport and physical activity can happen ultimately working toward healthier lifestyles of their citizens. The Sport Ireland Active Cities concept is built on the principles of the Global Action Plan for Physical Activity (GAPPA) developed by the WHO in 2018.

Using the GAPPA framework a Sport Ireland Active City Strategy will be broken down into four key pillars: 1. Actives Societies, 2. Active Environments, 3. Active People, 4. Active Systems. Partnership working and multi city collaboration is encouraged. Sport Ireland Active Cities must target people who are economically or socially disadvantaged, educationally disadvantaged or who have a disability.

Purpose and Scope of the Post
The Active City Officer will be responsible for the development, delivery and co-ordination of a programme of work that leads to an increase in participation in sport, physical activity and active lifestyles across all communities in Waterford City, with a particular focus on people who are economically or socially disadvantaged, educationally disadvantaged or who have a disability.

This will involve creating effective partnerships with a wide range of agencies and community organisations and maximising access to and use of resources, both financial and human.
The Active City Officer will be a member of the Waterford Sports Partnership team and will need to develop a strong working relationship with staff in Waterford City and County Council and other local agencies, local sports clubs and community/voluntary groups and relevant staff and officers from National Governing Bodies. The Active City Officer will also work closely with the national network of Active City Officers, the National Active Cities Lead and Sport Ireland.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:

Project Co-ordination and Collaboration
• Develop and support an interagency, cross-sectoral approach to the development of Waterford as an Active City, while also ensuring the work is effectively and efficiently integrated with WSP activities maximising the impact for all.
• Co-ordinate the development and operation of the steering group nurturing a collaborative, partnership approach and ensuring appropriate membership and representation.
• Engage with the Active Cities Network and Sport Ireland
• Develop, co-ordinate, support and monitor the implementation of the Waterford Active City Plan
• Facilitate and support local stakeholders in the planning, development and implementation of actions set out in the Waterford Active City Plan
• Consultation – consult and engage with all relevant stakeholders with regard to the development and implementation of the project
• Link effectively with all partner agencies in the area of sport and physical activity and represent the Active City in relevant fora
• Encourage networking and ensure joined up working between local organisations involved in sport and physical activity.
• Engage with other citywide health initiatives, eg.Healthy Cities, and contribute where possible to these initiatives.

Planning & Operations
• Facilitate and lead the implementation of the operational and action plan for the Active City in line with the local sports plans, healthy cities etc.
• Work with the WSP team to support the development and delivery of a range of initiatives, programmes and events as part of the Active City project to provide opportunities for more people to be more active
• Facilitate and lead the co-ordination of Active City initiatives and pilots in targeted communities.
• Capital/Equipment – manage the capital and equipment budget including procurement, development, storage etc.
• Training and Leadership Development – support and promote training and development opportunities to support the sustainable development of volunteers and community leaders including relevant training for professionals and community groups on the benefits of participation in sport and leading an active lifestyle. Provide networking events and shared learning opportunities for all project stakeholders;
• Work with facility and infrastructure providers, public and private, to support increased community participation.

Communications & Marketing
• Work with the national network of Active City Officers and Sport Ireland to develop an Active City brand and implement locally in line with agreed guidelines.
• Develop and implement a communications strategy including the production of press release and project newsletter highlighting activities, strategies and learnings from the project and resources to promote Active City activities and message.
• Develop and maintain a comprehensive database of organisational and key contacts and prepare clear marketing and communications plans for the project.
• Communicate the ‘Active City’ messages effectively with representatives from different organisations and members of the public.
• Raise the profile of sport, physical activity and active lifestyles and their benefits both throughout the city.
• Identify opportunities to promote ‘Active City’ locally, nationally and internationally.

Finance & Administration
• Finance and Budget management – carefully manage the budget and reporting requirements to Co-ordinator, Board and funders for all budget areas.
• Create sport, physical activity and active lifestyle opportunities and identify appropriate funding streams.
• Administration – Provide support and assistance in maintaining up-to-date databases.
• Reporting and Evaluation – Carry out research and needs analysis as appropriate and as required. Measure, monitor and evaluate performance and the impact of Active City activities in line with Sport Ireland requirements.
• Prepare reports and regular updates to the Co-ordinator, Board, Sport Ireland and other stakeholders as required.
• Generate and disseminate accessible information and analysis for all stakeholders;
• Health & Safety Management – promote good practice in health and safety awareness practice for all Active City activities. Ensure best practice for use of facilities. Ensure that all activities undertaken under the Active Cities project are in line with appropriate codes and legislation.
• Undertake other relevant duties within the scope of the post.

Person Specification

Short listing of candidates may apply based on the information supplied. Canvassing will disqualify. Those selected will be invited to attend for interview on 31st August 2021.

If you are interested in applying for the position, please apply via the following link APPLY HERE  with a COVER LETTER and CV by Tuesday 24th August 2021. (NOTE THE EXTENDED CLOSING DATE)

Waterford Sports Partnership is an Equal Opportunities Employer

Article Modified: August 11, 2021 7:55 am

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

Sport Ireland

Useful Links

Sport Ireland
Sport Ireland plans, leads and co-ordinates the sustainable development of competitive and recreational sport in Ireland.

LSP Contact Finder
Find contact details for other Local Sports Partnerships.

NGB Contact Finder
Find contact details for National Governing Bodies of Sport.

Social Media

Follow Waterford Sports Partnership on Facebook Follow Waterford Sports Partnership on Youtube

Company Info

Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

Federation of Irish Sport Logo

Active Disability Ireland Logo

Contact Details

County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

City Office:
Regional Sports Centre
Cork Road

Website By: Déise Design