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Fun Athletics at Home!

Published: July 8, 2020

Sportshall Athletics at Home
We reacted to the COVID-19 pandemic by trying to create resources to enable people to keep active during lockdown. In conjunction with Athletics Ireland, Blackwater AC, Ferrybank AC, Finisk Valley AC. KCK Athletic Club, Waterford AC, and West Waterford AC we devised a Sportshall Athletics online programme funded by Dormant Accounts funding through Sport Ireland. 326 families registered for the programme and were sent daily ‘how to’ videos covering ten athletics disciplines including Javelin, Long Jump and Target Throw. Each video included a warm-up followed by an explanation of the daily test and how to complete them using household items. A big thanks to local athletes Kate Veale, Megan Kiely and Anna O’Connor for featuring in the videos and to the six local athletics clubs for promoting the programme to their followers. The programme was a great success and we had participants from all over Ireland and Irish people living overseas in Cyprus, France, Spain, UK and America.


Article Modified: July 08, 2020 8:51 am

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

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Company Info

Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

Federation of Irish Sport Logo

Active Disability Ireland Logo

Contact Details

County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

City Office:
Regional Sports Centre
Cork Road

Website By: Déise Design