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Exploring Avenues for Collaboration Among Non-acute, Community-based Providers of Physical Activity

TITLE: Exploring Avenues for Collaboration Among Non-acute, Community-based Providers of Physical Activity
PROJECT STATUS: In development

All of PACC’s work operates to a set of core principles. These concern commitments to:

PACC emphasises the equivalence of all forms of exercise-provision for people with chronic conditions.  It recognises that some people with chronic conditions need clinical oversight when engaging in physical activity; others don’t.  PACC therefore wishes to explore opportunities for enhanced collaboration between a range of non-acute, community-based exercise providers: Local Sports Partnerships; the fitness and leisure sector, national organisations involved in structured and clinically supervised exercise provision; patient advocacy groups, and HSE community-based healthcare practitioners, specifically in relation to the physical activity needs of people living with chronic conditions.

This collaboration would be established to create increased understanding of the challenges facing all sectors in engaging with one another, and consider new ways of working collectively to provide greater physical activity opportunities for people living with chronic conditions.

Consequently, in 2024, PACC will invite a range of stakeholders from the sectors named above to a series of exploratory discussions, focused on:

Please feel free to contact us HERE if you would like more information on PACC

Article Modified: May 01, 2024 2:18 pm

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

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Company Info

Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

Federation of Irish Sport Logo

Active Disability Ireland Logo

Contact Details

County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

City Office:
Regional Sports Centre
Cork Road

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