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Parent & Child Archery

In partnership with Na Laoch Dall Archery Club, we hosted a five week Parent/Child Archery Programme.

Under the guidance of fully qualified and experienced coaches, the participants were given an introduction in safety on the range, description of equipment and its components, technique on ‘drawing’ and ‘shooting ‘ the bow, shooting form and mental aspects of shooting.

We were delighted with the skills on display considering most of the participants had not shot a bow before.

For further information please contact:
Brian O’Neill, on 0761 10 2583/086-0201219


Soccer for Girls

Over 450 girls from the Presentation and Mercy Primary Schools in Waterford City took part in our Soccer for Girls programme.

The Programme as facilitated by the F.A.I. /ETB Sports Recreation & Soccer Coaching Course Coaches, each school had six coaches on-site catering for two classes at a time.

This four week programme included fun games, relays and well as 7 a side matches. Both schools then entered teams into a local schools blitz that took place in April. We hope that some of the girls have progressed onto local soccer clubs that have been established over recent years for primary-aged girls.

For further information please contact:
Brian O’Neill, on 0761 10 2583/086-0201219



Learn to Swim Programmes

In 2018 we delivered five Learn to Swim programmes to teen boys from:
The BALL Project, Manor St .John Youth Centre, Traveller Youth Support Project,
School Completion Programme and Foroige Youth Project.

The programme is delivered in pairs over six weeks. Facilitated by the Kingfisher Leisure Club, the boys were shown correct swimming strokes and breathing techniques. Confidence in water improved immensely over the course of the programme.

For further information on Swimming lessons, contact our Youth Sports Development Officer Brian O’Neill, on 0761 10 2583/086-0201219

Late Night Soccer

In partnership with the FAI, we run a Late Night League for four youth projects. Over 25 young people took part this year, with each team playing three 20 minute games.
The Community Gardai have been very helpful transporting some of the youth projects to and from the venue in their mini bus.

We hope to repeat this activity in 2019 with the help of Michael Looby and Gary Power -FAI Development Officers without who’s help we couldn’t run the league each year.

For further information please contact
Brian O’Neill on 0761 10 2583/086 0201219 
or email:

Gym Education Programme

Eight members from Manor St. John L.T.I. group completed a four week Gym Education programme, facilitated by Kingfisher Waterford. The boys and girls were shown how to use the machines and equipment correctly.  They were also shown correct lifting technique and the exercises required for each body part. The programme concluded with each participant receiving their own individual gym programmes, so that they can continue with their gym visits when the programme finished.

Taster Sessions

Comhairle Come and Try It Day
In partnership with Waterford Comhairle na nOg, we held a free Come and Try It Day in the People’s Park on Saturday 15th September. Activities on the day were Archery, Zumba Dance, Boxing, Muay Thai and Yoga. Great to see so many young people get involved in the different activities. Thanks to all the clubs who provided the activities on the day.

Boxing Taster Session
Three boys from the TYRE project in Tramore tried a Boxing taster session, facilitated by local Boxing coach Jimmy Denton from Tramore Boxing Club. The boys enjoyed the session so much that they requested a programme so we hope to get this going in the new year.

Yoga Taster Sessions
Seven junior leaders and WIT placement students from the Ballybeg Special Youth Project took part in two Yoga Taster sessions. Facilitated by Steven Rockett of My Yoga Waterford. The sessions consisted of relaxation and breathing techniques and also included a number of Yoga poses such as Downward Dog, Triangle, Bridge, Tree and Warriors poses. Yoga is a great activity that enables us to take ‘time out’ from our busy lifestyles.

Barnardos Activity Day
In partnership with School Completion Programme Dungarvan, we organized and facilitated an activity day for ten young people with Barnardos. The day consisted of fun activity games including Football, Basketball and Boxing Fitness. Thanks to Theresa for facilitating on the day, Dennis from Dungarvan Boxing Club and also Dungarvan Sports Hall for the use of their facilities.

Mountain Biking
Four members from the TYRE project tried Mountain Biking for the first time, as part of National Bike Week 2018. Under the guidance of Dermot Blount of Tramore Bike Tours, we set off to Carrigavantry Lake for some excellent off-road mountain biking. Thanks to Dermot for bringing us on some excellent routes and well done to the boys and girls from the TYRE project for giving it a go.

StartBox for Schools

The Bronze StartBox Programme is a schools based four week non-contact activity, facilitated by local boxing clubs.

The aim of StartBox is to improve physical literacy, movement and fitness levels amongst primary-aged children through the sport of Boxing.

The sessions begin with a warm-up, followed by game-based fun activity games, hitting the focus pads, circuit training and concluding with a cool-down.

Each participant receives a Certificate for completing the Bronze StartBox Programme.

For further information please contact
Brian O’Neill on 0761 10 2583/086 0201219
or email:

Active Body Active Mind

Waterford Sports Partnership runs the Active Body Active Mind initiative in conjunction with  TREO.

This 11 week Health Related Fitness programme is an accredited QQI Award, including two minor QQI awards in Health Related fitness and Personal Effectiveness. To gain this award, participants cover a number of topics such as anatomy and physiology, lifestyle habits, communication, benefits of exercise, team building, session planning, active leadership and nutrition.

They also write up a log on a number of activities they take part over the eleven weeks in such as Soccer, Boxing, Aerobics, Spinning Class, Rugby, Surfing, Tennis, Muay Thai, Circuit Training and Yoga.

For further information please contact
Brian O’Neill on 0761 10 2583/086 020 1219 

or email:

Equipment | FREE HIRE

Waterford Sports Partnership has a range of sports equipment including surf boards, volleyball, soccer packs, basketball, rugby packs and pitch & putt clubs available for hire, free of charge.

For further information please contact

Brian O’Neill on 0761 10 2583/086 0201219
or email:


Youth Coaching Grant

Do you coach juvenile/underage players?
You may be eligible to apply for our Youth Coaching Grant.

A limited coaching fund is available for any club that wishes to get their members an accredited coaching qualification that will enable them to coach under-aged/juvenile players.

Preference will go to coaches who wish to up-skill their qualification e.g. going from Level 1 to Level 2.

You can download an Application Form HERE

Contact Brian O’Neill, Youth Sports Development Officer on 086-0201219
or for more information.

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

Sport Ireland

Useful Links

Sport Ireland
Sport Ireland plans, leads and co-ordinates the sustainable development of competitive and recreational sport in Ireland.

LSP Contact Finder
Find contact details for other Local Sports Partnerships.

NGB Contact Finder
Find contact details for National Governing Bodies of Sport.

Social Media

Follow Waterford Sports Partnership on Facebook Follow Waterford Sports Partnership on Youtube

Company Info

Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

Federation of Irish Sport Logo

Active Disability Ireland Logo

Contact Details

County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

City Office:
Regional Sports Centre
Cork Road

Website By: Déise Design

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