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NOW Booking – First Aid Training

Published: January 13, 2025



Rescue Emergency
Care (REC3)


Location: Waterford Marine Search and Rescue HQ
Unit 10, Park Road Business Park, Park Rd, Newtown, Waterford, X91 WR62

Date/Time: Saturday 22nd March | 9am to 7pm & Sunday 23rd March | 9am to 5pm
Cost: €100pp
Course Facilitators: Mediforce

REC 3 is an intensive two day course that is targeted at those working or operating in remote sports environments. The course is designed to teach participants how to handle scenarios where help may be 4-6hrs away. Course content includes: Scene management, DR ABCD’s, Safe Airway, CPR & AED, Choking, Spinal injuries, Burns, Bleeds, Shock, evacuation methods and more.

Book on eventbrite here now!

Liz McEnaney on 087 739 6050 or email






Now Booking – ICOACHKIDS Waterford

Published: August 3, 2022

As part of the European Week of Sport, Sport Ireland Coaching in partnership with the LSP Network and the Sport Ireland Participation Unit is hosting a series of ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conferences for coaches of children and teenagers.

Who are the ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conferences for?

If you answer YES to any of these questions the ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conference is for YOU!

  • Are you a coach of children U12?
  • Do you coach teenage girls?
  • Do you coach teenage boys?
  • Would you like to know more about being child/teen centred in your coaching?
  • What coaching skills do you need to improve/develop to put the needs of children/teenagers first?
  • Would you like to develop an inclusive culture and environment where you coach?
  • Are you concerned with dropout from your sport?

There will be four ICOACHKIDS Regional Coaching Conferences hosted by the following LSPs between 1st-4th September 2022.


Host LSP Donegal Sligo Limerick Waterford
Date Thursday
1st September
2nd September
Saturday 3rd September
4th September
Venue Atlantic Technological University (ATU), Letterkenny Atlantic Technological University (ATU), Sligo University of Limerick (UL) South East Technological University (SETU Arena), Waterford
Time 18:30 – 21:30 18:30 – 21:30 09:30 – 13:00 09:30 – 13:00

Supported by the Local Sports Partnership Network

Registration and more information                                 

Cost: €10 per coach.


NOW BOOKING! First Aid Training

Published: October 6, 2021

First Aid Course
Saturday 27th November | 9am to 4pm
@ The Park Hotel, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford

Places are limited so book early!

€45 per person – BOOK HERE!

For more information please contact: Rachel Sinnott on 087 739 6050
or email


Understanding the Female Athlete – FREE Workshop

Published: February 24, 2021


Waterford Sports Partnership invites you to join us for a FREE Workshop
on Monday 8th March 2021 | 7.30 to 9pm
‘Understanding the Female Athlete’
Presented by Orna Murray (Founder of Your Health Psychology)

How well do you know your athletes?

The Workshop will cover:
Why women in sport matters | Female physiology | Menstrual cycle & exercise | Pillars of health for female athletes |What’s next?

Book HERE now!

Pauline Casey on 086 783 7385 or

NOW BOOKING! Autism in Sport Workshop

Published: January 14, 2020

This course will provide attendees with an understanding of Autism focusing on the delivery of sport. The course will help attendees to recognise and understand key areas of difference as well as looking at practical strategies which will help to include people with autism in sport sessions.
Duration: 3 hours

For more information please contact Pauline Casey
on 086 783 7385 or email

Training Courses

Published: December 8, 2018

We provide quality training and education opportunities at local level for coaches and volunteers working to promote sport and physical activity as follows….

All our courses can be booked online on

Active Disability Ireland Training

Published: October 15, 2018

Active Disability Ireland coordinates, develops and delivers inclusive training and education workshops across the Sport, Fitness, Adventure and Education sectors. All our workshops are designed to equip participants with the knowledge, competence and skills necessary to include people with disabilities in sport and physical activity, and increase quality provision.

Active Disability Ireland’s Tutor Team currently come from many different disabilities, sporting and physical activity professions and organisations. Our Tutor Team bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to each and every workshop. That, coupled with a genuine enthusiasm and love of what they do, always makes for an enjoyable learning experience.

We run the following Active Disability Ireland Training courses in Waterford . . .

Disability Awareness Training
Disability Inclusion Training
Inclusive Fitness Training
Autism in Sport Workshop

Strength & Conditioning Training

Published: October 12, 2018

WSP identified improving fundamental movement skills as a key area for development. As a result, in 2018 we piloted a Simple Strength and Conditioning Programme for coaches of teenagers to give them practical examples of how to incorporate simple movements and exercise into their coaching session.

During the sessions, the coaches learned how to do warm-ups/cool downs, mobility, drills, prehabilitation, muscle activations, plyometrics. At the end of the three workshops the coaches were able to go back to their clubs and introduce all of this as a circuit for base training/off season or elements of it into every training session.

We are using the following format for delivery:

Explain WHAT and WHY | Demonstrate | Practice as a group with general feedback |Practise in pairs with coach/athlete.

Feedback was excellent with participants saying ‘This is new S +C knowledge for me but it is something that can be coached easily enough to my group.’ and ‘I have learned about what exercise I can do for a warm up in my training session & muscle activation.’

NOW BOOKING! Strength & Conditioning | West Waterford
We are running a Strength and Conditioning Programme in 2019 for West Waterford Clubs in Cappoquin Community Centre.
The cost for the series of two workshops is €30pp.

The first workshop is on Monday 8th April from 7.30 to 9.30pm.
Limited places | Book HERE now! 

2nd Workshop | Monday 20th May from 7.30 to 9.30pm

Safeguarding FAQ’s

Published: October 10, 2018

Safeguarding Training | Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to do this training?
The Safeguarding courses are applicable to ALL adults in sports clubs who deal with children on a regular basis. This includes coaches, committee members and parents.

Who delivers Safeguarding courses?
Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) deliver generic Safeguarding courses on behalf of Sport Ireland which are suitable for members of sporting organisations with the exception of the GAA/Ladies Football/Handball (GAA club members must attend a GAA specific Safeguarding course). It is recommended for individuals to always check with their National Governing Body (NGB) regarding  specific Safeguarding course prior to enrolling on a WSP course.

How many stages of safeguarding training are there?
There are three Safeguarding courses and each is three hours in duration.
Safeguarding 1: Basic Awareness Workshop in Child Welfare & Protection.
Safeguarding 2: Club Children’s Officer (CCO) Workshop.
Safeguarding 3: Designated Liaison Person (DLP) Workshop.

Do you have to attend all three?
It is recommended that:

  • all coaches and volunteers working with children attend the Safeguarding 1 course.
  • all clubs appoint a Club Children’s Officer and a Designated Liaison Person.
  • the individuals nominated for these roles attend the appropriate training. A person appointed to Club Children’s Officer position in a club must attend workshop 1 and should also attend workshop 2. A person appointed as the Designated Liaison Person of their club must attend the first workshop and should also attend workshop 3.

What is the duration is each course?
Each course is 3 hours in duration.

How do I register for this course?
All Waterford Sports Partnership Safeguarding courses are available to book online at eventbrite. For National Governing Body training courses, please visit your NGB’s website.

How old must I be to attend this course?
Participants must be over 18 years of age to attend a WSP course. Some NGB’s deliver the course for 16 years and above with parental permissions. If you are aged under 18, you must contact your NGB and register for a place on an NGB course and complete the parental permission slip that they will issue you with.

How much does each course cost?
 WSP charge €15 per person per course.

Do I get certification for the course?
Yes, the courses are certified by Sport Ireland.

How long is my certificate valid for?
The certificate is valid for 3 years.

Do I have to redo the courses after my certificates expire?
You can redo the Safeguarding 1 course online. However there are currently no online refreshers available for Safeguarding 2 and 3.

Must I redo the course if I did the old Club Children’s Officer Training course?
Yes, as the old 6 hour Children’s Officer Training Course has been replaced by two separate three hour courses, Safeguarding 2 and Safeguarding 3.

Can a person be appointed as both Children’s Officer and Designated Liaison person?
Yes, however best practice advises that they are kept as separate roles.

What is involved in each Safeguarding course?

Safeguarding 1.
The course is a mix of theory and group work. On completion of the course attendees should . . .
(a) Have a basic knowledge of Children First (2011) and relevant legislation
(b) Know how to implement best practice in protecting the welfare of participants in your facility
(c) Know how to recognise child protection and welfare concerns
(d) Be able to list categories of abuse and some indicators associated with abuse
(e) Know how to respond appropriately to child protection and welfare concerns
(f) Understand the importance of agencies having effective child protection policies, procedures and practices

Safeguarding 2.
This course will help the Club Children’s Officer to carry out the function of their role in the club and support the implementation of best practice in the club. Participants will also receive a Club Children’s Officer action planning document as part of the training. On completion of the course attendees should . . .

(a) Be aware of necessary legislation regarding child protection.
(b) Know what is required of their role as a Club Children’s Officer.
(c) Understand the policies and procedures that the club needs to implement for best practice.

Safeguarding 3
The course is a mix of theory and group work. On completion of the course attendees should . . .

(a) Be aware of the role and responsibilities of the Designated Liaison Person in relation to protecting and safeguarding children.
(b) Be aware of their organisation’s responsibilities in relation to keeping children safe.
(c) Have gained appropriate knowledge of the child protection system and its processes.
(d) Be able to ensure that their organisation’s policies and procedures are in-line with Children First.

Must I be Garda vetted before I do this course?
No, but current law dictates that if you are to undertake a position which involves interaction with children e.g. coach, that you must be Garda Vetted before undertaking coaching responsibilities. This can be organised through your NGB via your Club.

Orienteering Teacher Training

Published: October 8, 2018

Fifteen teachers from twelve different primary schools around Waterford City and County took part in our Orienteering Teacher Training last Friday October 5th at WIT Arena. This training was delivered by Mick Farrell from the Irish Orienteering Association.

Even though the day was cold and wet, the teachers weren’t long warming up as they took part in many fun games and team challenges. The teachers learned numerous orienteering games which they could use to introduce their students to the sport. They also got an opportunity to partake in an orienteering course which got very competitive!

After lunch, the group learned how to create their own course on maps using the software ‘purple pen’. All participants left with a resource pack for their school which included kites, control cards and an array of games which can be played anywhere with very little equipment. Schools are also being mapped in the coming weeks, so that they can complete orienteering on-site.

Teachers were present on the day from the following schools: Passage East N.S;  Garranbane N.S; Glor Na Mara, Tramore;  Waterford Educate Together NS, Crehana N.S.; Rathgormack N.S.; Bunscoil Bhothar Na Naomh;  Scoil Mhuuire, Abbeyside; Holy Family Junior N.S.; Scoil Gharbháin; St Joseph’s Special School, Waterford.

A special word of thanks to WIT Arena for providing us with the facility and the Irish Orienteering Association for delivering such a fantastic, informative course.
For more information on Orienteering opportunities in Waterford please contact:
Eadaoin on 0761 102199 or email

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

Sport Ireland

Useful Links

Sport Ireland
Sport Ireland plans, leads and co-ordinates the sustainable development of competitive and recreational sport in Ireland.

LSP Contact Finder
Find contact details for other Local Sports Partnerships.

NGB Contact Finder
Find contact details for National Governing Bodies of Sport.

Social Media

Follow Waterford Sports Partnership on Facebook Follow Waterford Sports Partnership on Youtube

Company Info

Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

Federation of Irish Sport Logo

Active Disability Ireland Logo

Contact Details

County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

City Office:
Regional Sports Centre
Cork Road

Website By: Déise Design

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