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Cycle Right Programme

Published: August 22, 2023

Training to promote competent and confident cyclists.

WSP, in partnership with Cycling Ireland, have the capacity to deliver 6 x 60 minute sessions for two groups of 15 children in 4 schools. CYCLE RIGHT is the National Standard for Cycle Training and provides practical cycle safety and skills. €10 per child. WSP will fund the remainder of this programme. If bikes are required this can be discussed with WSP. The programme is delivered by WSP Cycle Right tutors. Four sessions will be delivered on a suitable area in the school grounds. Two sessions will be delivered on the road.

Cost: €10 per child. If bikes are required this can be discussed with WSP.
Logistics: The programme is delivered by WSP Cycle Right tutors. Four sessions will be delivered on a suitable area in the school grounds. Two sessions will be delivered on the road.

To register your interest for the Cycle Right Programme,
please complete this online Expression of Interest Form

For more information please contact Jordan Kelly at


Seconday Schools Programmes

Published: September 15, 2022

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) is committed to helping schools become more active and providing opportunities for teachers to participate in training courses.

To help schools achieve this, we are offering the following opportunities:

To register for any of the above Programmes,
lease complete this online Expression of Interest Form

For more information please contact Peter Jones at


Primary School Athletics

Published: September 15, 2022

WSP in partnership with Athletics Ireland are offering schools a 4-week athletics programme on school premises. The programme will be delivered by an Athletics Ireland development officer and focus on linking in with local clubs. The session will show children how to run, throw and jump. The programme is available for junior infants to 6th class.

Cost: The cost of the programme per class is €140 which covers 4 x 1-hour sessions for a class of your choice. If a school wishes to involve multiple classes, the programme can be delivered for the full day covering 5 classes at a cost of €700.
Logistics: Schools to contact WSP and date and times for the programme can then be arranged.

To register your interest for the Athletics Programme,
please complete this online Expression of Interest Form

For more information please contact Peter Jones at

Startbox Programme

Published: September 15, 2022

WSP in partnership with the IABA and Tramore, Dungarvan, St. Paul’s and St. Saviour’s Boxing clubs are offering a four-week Startbbox programme on school premises.  The programme focuses on fun, participation and movement, as opposed to the skills of Boxing

Cost: WSP will fund 50% of the programme with schools paying €70 for the four sessions

Logistics: Schools to contact WSP to be put on a waiting list. The programme is delivered by a qualified boxing instructor on the school premises at a date agreed between school and WSP.

To register your interest for the Boxing Programme,
please complete this online Expression of Interest Form

For more information please contact Peter Jones at

Muay Thai Fitness

Published: September 15, 2022

Muay Thai is a form of martial arts, it is a fantastic way to build fitness, discipline, and self-confidence. For students, learning Muay Thai can improve coordination, flexibility, and mental focus.

We have linked with Waterford Muay Thai to deliver a 4-week Muay Thai Programme in schools for 1st to 6th class.

Cost: We will fund 50% of the programme with schools paying €100 for four sessions
Logistics: The programme is delivered by a qualified Muay Thai instructor on school premises at a date agreed between the school and WSP.

To register your interest for the Muay Thai Programme,
please complete this online Expression of Interest Form

For more information please contact Jordan Kelly at

Non-Contact Rugby

Published: September 14, 2022

WSP in partnership with Munster Rugby, Dungarvan RFC and Waterford City RFC are offering non-contact rugby to schools developing basic fundamental movement and rugby skills.

The programme can be delivered in a hall, school yard or field and incudes 3 x 30-minute sessions. This is available for 1st to 6th class.

Cost: The subsidised cost of this programme is €25 per class.

Logistics: Qualified Munster Rugby and local coaches will deliver these sessions to one class in the school. There is the option for multiple classes to avail of the programme upon request. Dates and times to be agreed between WSP and the school.

To register your interest for the Rugby Programme,
please complete this online Expression of Interest Form

For more information please contact Jordan Kelly at

Hoops Life

Published: September 14, 2022

WSP are partnering with Hoops Life to deliver a 4-week Basketball Programme in primary schools for Junior infants to 6th class.
This can take place in a hall or outdoors.

Cost: The cost of the programme is €8 per child for the 4 weeks e.g. a class of 30 will cost €320. WSP will fund €25% of the class cost School to contact

Logistics: WSP who will coordinate with Hoops Life to organise dates & times.

To register your interest for the Hoops Life Programme,
please complete this online Expression of Interest Form

For more information please contact Peter Jones at

Primary School Balance Bike Programme

Published: September 10, 2022

This programme aims to develop and improve the physical literacy of young children through the use of balance bikes. It is appropriate for children in pre-school, junior infants, and senior infant’s classes. The school will have the use of 15 bikes and 15 helmets for 3 weeks

We have also created eight progressive online videos for teachers to assist them to teach striding, gliding and turning.


Cost: The cost of the programme is €50.
Logistics: The school will be responsible for collecting balance bikes either to and from WSP office or from school to school. Once applications are received and reviewed, WSP will give schools a date and collection point for bikes. Links to online teacher training resources will be emailed to the school.

To register your interest for the Balance Bike Programme,
please complete this online Expression of Interest Form

For more information please contact Jordan Kelly at

Orienteering Teacher Training

Published: September 9, 2022

Orienteering is a competitive sport that combines racing with navigation, using the geographical skills of map reading and the physical activity of running or walking. Orienteering develops many transferable skills and links with both the Primary and Secondary PE Curriculum. Orienteering is surprisingly easy to implement and school grounds are often the best choice for a first-time, outdoor experience. It can be done both indoors and outdoors (making it a weatherproof adventure activity!) and without having to leave the school. The ‘real life’ problem solving skills experienced in orienteering can help make geography, maths and science much more relevant for students, whilst also helping them build on their confidence, communication and social skills.

After this training day your school will be Ready to Go…Orienteering!!! Get your school mapped out and receive a resource pack and equipment. Participants will also receive a Certificate of Participation from the Irish Orienteering Association on completion of this training.

Cost: €50 without school mapped or €70 if school also needs to be mapped

Orienteering Teacher Training ‘Ready to Go Orienteering
Date:  Wednesday 5th October
Time: 9.30-2.30pm
Venue: SETU Arena, Carriganore, Waterford


For more information please contact:
Liz McEnaney on 086 783 7385 or email


Table Tennis Ireland Teachers Award

Published: September 14, 2020

This course is aimed at schools and community hubs. It offers ideas for coaching activities of table tennis within a school or youth group environment. This course is for candidates 16 yrs and over and is delivered over 3.5hrs by Table Tennis Ireland coaches.

How do we get involved?
To register your interest, please complete this online
Expression of Interest Form

For more information please contact Louise Barry on  0761 10 2619
or email 

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

Sport Ireland

Useful Links

Sport Ireland
Sport Ireland plans, leads and co-ordinates the sustainable development of competitive and recreational sport in Ireland.

LSP Contact Finder
Find contact details for other Local Sports Partnerships.

NGB Contact Finder
Find contact details for National Governing Bodies of Sport.

Social Media

Follow Waterford Sports Partnership on Facebook Follow Waterford Sports Partnership on Youtube

Company Info

Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

Federation of Irish Sport Logo

Active Disability Ireland Logo

Contact Details

County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

City Office:
Regional Sports Centre
Cork Road

Website By: Déise Design

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