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Priorsknock – Community Consultation & Activity Day

Published: August 13, 2024

basketball court at priosknock estate
Calling all residents of Cork Road – Kingsmeadow

JOIN US FOR A Community Consultation & Activity Day
Wednesday 14th August | 5-7pm
@ the green area on Fitzgerald Road Cork Road (opposite McDonalds)

Calling all residents of Kingsmeadow, Cork Road and surrounding areas. We are holding a community consultation and activity evening on the green area across from McDonalds on the Cork Road, come along on the evening and take part in some basketball sessions with SETU Waterford Wildcats Basketball Club and some activities and games with Jade from Ready Steady Play South East.

Chat to us about your thoughts on what physical activity facilities you would like to see developed in your area.

Click on the link below to fill out the survey beforehand

For more information please contact:
Lauren Walsh Kett, Active Cities Officer on 087 117 8578
or email

SPRAOI & Active Cities – Active Inclusion – Movement Workshop 16 years+

Published: July 24, 2024

Multi-award winning disabled artist Rodney Bell and critically acclaimed choreographer Chloe Loftus present The Air Between Us, an outdoor aerial event that captivates audiences. Spiralling into the air, this counterweighted duet is a celebration of equality and connection.

SPRAOI & Active Cities – Active Inclusion – Movement Workshop 16 years+

Spend an afternoon in the company of internationally renowned New Zealand artists Chloe Loftus and Rodney Bell for a creative movement session. Championing disability arts and inclusive practice, no experience is necessary to join this fun workshop that is designed to enhance your own unique movement possibilities, gaining an insight into the artist’s creative process. Open to wheelchair users aged 16 years+


For more information please contact Lauren Walsh Kett on 087 117 8578
or email: 

Bike Orienteering | Waterford City

Published: May 1, 2024

Enjoy some fun on your bike exploring Waterford City
Check out the Bike Orienteering Routes on Maprun (download the App)

Route 1: Starting point is the top of the Folly |  Distance: 15km

Route 2:  Bank Lane (beside House of Waterford Crystal) | Distance: 15km

  • Participants have max 80 minutes to get as many of the 16 points as possible.
  • You can take them in any order but 1 to 16 is the easiest.
  • 20 points per control collected.
  • There is a penalty of 10 points per minute over 80 minutes.
  • You must finish where they started.
  • All controls the same, two alternative starting points.
  • You can complete the course any time ( not just during bike week) and as often as you want.

Run a Playful Street Event

Published: February 20, 2024

Would you like your neighbourhood to be a more Playful Place for adults and children as well as engage with your local authority?

Following on from the successful roll out of the pilot project in 2023 Healthy Waterford and Waterford Sports Partnership/Active Cities along with key stakeholders including Waterford City and County Council, Ready Steady Play, Sláintecare Healthy Communities, Waterford Libraries, Waterford PPN, Community Safety Partnership and CYPSC are teaming up to identify new areas interested in running a Playful Streets event in 2024.



For further information contact Eoin Morrissey on tel: 087-2181709 or Lauren Walsh Kett on tel: 087-1178578


Connecting Communities Roadshows

Published: January 30, 2024

Photograph: Patrick Browne

We are delighted to be supporting Waterford City & County Council’s Connecting Communities Roadshows. A series of collaborative – cross organisational roadshows aiming to showcase the best Waterford has to offer in Community Services.

First stop is Lismore on Wednesday 7th Feb @ the Heritage Centre.

Call anytime between 6 – 8.30pm and visit the WSP stand to find out what’s going on in the West Waterford area.


Wednesday 7th February | 6 to 8.30pm | Lismore Heritage Centre
Wednesday 21st February | 6 to 8.30pm | The Park Hotel, Dungarvan
Wednesday 6th March | 6 to 8.30pm | Rainbow Hall, Kilmacthomas
Wednesday 20th March | 6 to 8.30pm | Ballymacarbry Communuty Hall
Wednesday 3rd April | 6 to 8.30pm | The Haven Hotel, Dunmore East
Wednesday 17th April | 6 to 8.30pm | Cill Barra Sports Centre, Ballybeg, Waterford
Wednesday 8th May | 6 to 8.30pm | Tramore GAA Community Hall
For more information please contact Lauren Walsh Kett by email at

BoxUp comes to Waterford!

Published: September 27, 2023

Active Cities project brings free equipment sharing solution to Waterford City

Waterford Sports Partnership is delighted to bring a new and innovative free equipment sharing solution to the People’s Park in Waterford City. The BoxUp locker, which was funded through the Dormant Accounts Active Cities Fund via Sport Ireland, was officially launched by the Mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr. Joe Conway, on Saturday 23rd September and is now freely available for the public to use.

Introducing BoxUp to the People’s Park could not have happened without the valuable support of Waterford City & County Council staff in the installation of this 6-locker unit which compliments a number of new physical activity installations introduced in the People’s Park by Waterford City & County Council and Waterford Sports Partnership in recent months.

Over the past year, the eight Local Sports Partnerships within the Active Cities Network across Dublin, Cork, Waterford, Limerick and Galway have been working with the Swiss-based company, BoxUp, to bring the first lockers to Ireland. The locker, which is solar powered, contains a variety of equipment based on the facilities and amenities in the People’s Park.  The equipment includes a skateboard and helmet, balance bike and helmet, basketballs, frisbees, table tennis equipment and boules equipment. All equipment can be easily accessed through the use of a free app.  Just download the free app BoxUp and create an account using photo ID to access the equipment!

The Active Cities project is focused on getting those who are least active in our society, active. In taking a multi-sectoral approach, the project seeks to reduce the barriers to participation in physical activity, increase access and enhance the choice and opportunities available for all to be active.

The Mayor of Waterford City & County, Cllr. Joe Conway, said ‘I am delighted to launch the BoxUp unit here today.  It’s a wonderful addition to the People’s Park.  It will help to make sport and activity accessible to all and will help to activate the many quality installations in the park including the skatepark, basketball court, pétanque court, table tennis table and of course offer children the opportunity to use a balance bike on the safe pathways throughout the park. Well done to everyone involved.’

Sport Ireland Director of Participation, Louise Burke said, “Sport Ireland is delighted to see the launch of BoxUp in Waterford today. The Active Cities project is funded through the Dormant Accounts Fund, which aims to engage communities across the country by supporting those who are educationally, socially, or economically disadvantaged or those who have a disability to become more active. It’s great to see this new innovative solution for the public that is free which aims to reduce the barriers to participation in physical activity, increase access and enhance the choice and opportunities available for all to take part“.

Mary Corry, National Active Cities Officer said “with lockers already installed in both Dublin and Cork, it’s great to see this national collaboration come to life in Waterford. The introduction of BoxUp through the Active Cities project is an important development as we look to reduce barriers and meet the needs of individuals at a local level. I would encourage all residents or visitors to the area, to download the free BoxUp app and using photo ID, create their account, so that they can enjoy using this free equipment in the People’s Park“.

Rosarie Kealy, Sport Co-ordinator with Waterford Sports Partnership, commented; ‘We are delighted to bring BoxUp to Waterford and we would like to acknowledge the huge support from Waterford City & County Council especially the Parks team, who worked with us throughout the planning and installation process. This represents a significant opportunity to provide people with additional resources to get active in one of our city parks and to make the best use of the equipment and sports infrastructure already available in the park. We look forward to seeing the locker being utilised by all ages and abilities in the city’.

For more information on the Active Cities project please our Active Cities Officer, Lauren Walsh-Kett on 087 1178578
or email


People of Waterford City – Are you BoxUp ready?

Published: September 18, 2023

Our new BoxUp unit will be installed this September in Peoples Park (by De La Salle entrance). Download the BoxUp App now so you can access this equipment loan service for FREE. See ‘how to’ video below. Please note you will need a form of I.D to register on the app. This is a free app and no debit/credit card details are needed, just download the app, input your email address, scan your I.D and you are good to go! BoxUp will be officially launched Saturday 23rd September in Peoples Park before our #BeActive Night Event from 4:30pm so come along and join in on the fun!

National Active Cities Officer, Mary Corry interview with Lottie Ryan on 2FM

Published: September 1, 2023

Mary chats about the Active Cities Project and introducing BoxUp to Ireland!

How to Play Teqball

Published: August 14, 2023

Teqball can be played with balls used in football, with size five being official and recommended.
Teqball can be played by two players (singles game) or by four players (doubles game).

  • Teqball follows a points-based scoring format and is played over a best of three sets, with each set played until a player/team reaches 12 points.
  • The final decisive set must be won by at least a two-point margin.
  • Players must switch sides after each set and the time between two sets must not exceed one minute.
  • In the final decisive set players/teams switch sides at 6/12/18 points reached by the leading team.
  • Points are started with a service, with the player/team having two attempts to complete a successful service.
  • Once the point is in play, the ball must be returned to the opponent’s side onto the table by touching it a maximum of three times (hands and arms cannot be used).
  • In doubles, both players on the team must touch the ball before it is returned.
  • The ball cannot be touched by the same body part consecutively.
  • A player/team cannot return the ball with the same body part consecutively.
  • In the case of an edgeball, the point is to be repeated.
  • Players/teams change service after every four points.
  • While playing, neither the table nor the opponent can be touched.

Waterford Sports Partnership

Waterford Sports Partnership (WSP) was established in 2002 by Sport Ireland (formerly the Irish Sports Council) as part of the Local Sports Partnership initiative with the aim of increasing participation in sport and physical activity in County Waterford.

Sport Ireland

Useful Links

Sport Ireland
Sport Ireland plans, leads and co-ordinates the sustainable development of competitive and recreational sport in Ireland.

LSP Contact Finder
Find contact details for other Local Sports Partnerships.

NGB Contact Finder
Find contact details for National Governing Bodies of Sport.

Social Media

Follow Waterford Sports Partnership on Facebook Follow Waterford Sports Partnership on Youtube

Company Info

Waterford Sports Partnership Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG)
CRO Number: 378713

Registered Office –
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford

Federation of Irish Sport Logo

Active Disability Ireland Logo

Contact Details

County Office:
Civic Offices
Co. Waterford
Tel: 058 21194

City Office:
Regional Sports Centre
Cork Road

Website By: Déise Design