Buntús Start is a comprehensive physical activity programme for children aged 2-5 years old. It has been designed for use in pre-school settings so that pre-school and playgroup leaders can provide a wide range of learning opportunities for young children to develop their fundamental motor skills, manipulative skills, co-ordination and balancing skills and develop a positive attitude to physical activity. The programme is a joint initiative between Waterford Sports Partnership and Waterford County Childcare Committee.
Buntús Start Training Programme:
Participants attend a four hour training session.
Buntús Start REFRESHER Training Programme:
As part of the training, Waterford County Childcare Committee in partnership with Waterford Sports Partnership also offer a Refresher Training Course for those have completed the Buntús Start Training and wish to enhance their knowledge and skills around physical activity and games for young children. The Refresher Training will benefit all childcare practitioners and children in becoming more active more often. It will also focus on sharing activities amongst each other and what works best in different centres along with new activities and resources.
For more information please contact Louise Barry on 0761 10 2619 or email lbarry@waterfordsportspartnership.ie
Article Modified: July 16, 2020 9:34 am