What is Active Cities?
The Active Cities project is designed to tackle the environmental and policy, or systems barriers to population physical activity to enable active living.
It is funded under the Dormant Accounts Active Cities Fund, developed by Sport Ireland, and delivered through eight Local Sports Partnerships (LSPs) in the five major cities, including the four local authority areas in Dublin, over the next four years. All cities have funding for a staff member and equipment/infrastructure. We were approved for €70,000 in year 1, €90,000 in year 2, and hopefully will get around €150,000 in year 3.
Only 34% of adults do the recommended 30 mins of physical activity five days per week, and this is even lower among children and teenagers (19% and 12%), those from disadvantaged areas and those with a disability. However, most say that they would like to be more physically active (Healthy Ireland Report, 2019). While many people, groups and agencies already recognise the importance of daily physical activity, they do not have the power to actually change the environment and systems that prioritise car-based living, and result in organised sport and gyms being the only physical activity options for most people.
The Active Cities project therefore, is about supporting and enabling key stakeholders and decision makers to make Waterford a place where people can be more active in their daily lives, through walking or cycling for transport or recreation, through active play, or through informal sport. This has a proven positive impact on community cohesion and anti-social behaviour.
Key aims of Active Cities Waterford
- Increase the levels of walking and cycling, for transport, play and
- Ensure that the public realm in the city and outlying residential areas makes it easier, cheaper, safer and more pleasant and convenient for all people to be active for transport, play and recreation;
- Ensure these spaces and places are accessible by and suitable for all socio-economic groups, age groups and abilities.
- Increase the availability of organised sports, games and play facilities/areas that are accessible to all ages, background and abilities;
- Make existing resources, like housing estate greens, parks, and roads, active resources that enable people to get out and play, walk, do yoga, run, more often;
- Consult with and engage local communities in discussions regarding the quality, usage and provision of such spaces, places and facilities;
- Consult with and engage local communities in discussions regarding how to make their transport to work, school, shops etc. more active;
- Ensure that Waterford becomes an active, vibrant place to live that is designed for people to move.
Article Modified: November 13, 2024 11:46 am